Air Barrier

Thermo-Sheath provides exceptional real-world resistance to moisture while limiting air movement within the wall cavity.

Meets US Building Codes

Thermo-Sheath is a recognized air barrier material that allows for a balanced transfer of moisture vapor, creating a healthier and more energy-efficient structure.

Water Resistant

Thermo-Sheath is rated for commercial projects and offers excellent performance in residential applications. It meets or exceeds applicable building codes for water-resistant barriers and air barriers, creating a healthier, more energy-efficient building.


Through it’s lightweight engineered construction, Thermo-Sheath is an easy-to-use, cost effective certified draftstop.

Structural Properties

Thermo-Sheath meets US bracing requirements for conventional light-frame construction, and even meets the continuous sheathing requirements of the International Residential Code (IRC) for narrow wall bracing.

Made in USA

Thermo-Sheath is manufactured in the US, adding valuable jobs to our econonomy and ensuring quality, environmentally and socially ethical production.


Thermo-Sheath is manufactured from 100% sustainable materials. When used in conjunction with other required building practices and materials, Thermo-Sheath can contribute to certificationd in many sustainable building rating systems.